Friday, March 3, 2023


Good people should strive to present ourselves without pretense or the attempt of deception. Honesty should encompass far beyond just the words we speak, but how we act and how we live our lives. We should work hard to not live as a hypocrite and show people who we actually are. Our words, our actions, and the way we live our lives should be a true reflection us.

We cannot conform to a world that honors lies; who call evil good and good evil.` Instead, we live our lives honestly, without attempts at desception.

Christians, Jesus condemns hypocrisy strongly. He has made it clear we are to treasure honesty and work diligently to live an honest life.

Honesty is a virtue.

Paladin Life:
Train – Teach – Prepare – Stand Firm – Be Humble – Believe in Good

this post was written by a human

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